getopt with negative numbers?

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Thu Sep 27 22:47:38 EDT 2007

Casey <Caseyweb at> writes:

> Well, it is a hack and certainly not as clean as having getopt or
> optparse handle this natively (which I believe they should).

I believe they shouldn't because the established interface is that a
hyphen always introduced an option unless (for those programs that
support it) a '--' option is used, as discussed.

> But I think it is a simple and clever hack and still allows getopt
> or optparse to function normally.

Except that they *don't* function normally under that hack; they
function in a way contradictory to the normal way.

> So I wouldn't call it a kludge, which implies a more clumsy hack. As
> you say, it is all a matter of perspective.

Everyone is entitled to their own perspective, but not to their own

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Ben Finney

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