Try this

J. Cliff Dyer jcd at
Sun Sep 16 21:59:53 EDT 2007

mensanator at wrote:
> The very presence of an algorithm to detect encoding is a bug.
> Files with they .txt extension should always be treated as ANSI
> even if they contain binary data. Notepad should never be
> allowed to try to decide what the encoding is if the the open
> dialog has the encoding set to ANSI.

Mmmmm, yeah....  I'm going to have to go ahead and, uh, disagree with
you there.

If I open a text file in WordPad, and then do a save as, I get the
following choices, all specifying an extension of .txt

Text Document
Text Document - MS-DOS Format
Unicode Document

If Microsoft offers to create documents in three different formats with
the same extension, it damn well better make some effort to figure out
which one it's trying to open when it reopens those same documents.


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