simple regular expression problem

duikboot dijkstra.arjen at
Mon Sep 17 09:00:41 EDT 2007


I am trying to extract a list of strings from a text. I am looking it
for hours now, googling didn't help either.
Could you please help me?

>>>s = """ \n<organisatie>\n<Profiel_Id>28996</Profiel_Id>\n</organisatie>\n<organisatie>\n<Profiel_Id>28997</Profiel_Id>\n</organisatie>"""
>>> regex = re.compile(r'<organisatie.*</organisatie>', re.S)
>>> L = regex.findall(s)
>>> print L

I expected:
\n<organisatie>), (<organisatie>\n<Profiel_Id>28997</Profiel_Id>\n</

I must be missing something very obvious.

Greetings Arjen

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