newbie: self.member syntax seems /really/ annoying

Alex Martelli aleax at
Wed Sep 12 19:23:08 EDT 2007

Carl Banks <pavlovevidence at> wrote:
> How about this?  The decorator could generate a bytecode wrapper that
> would have the following behavior, where __setlocal__ and
> __execute_function__ are special forms that are not possible in
> Python.  (The loops would necessarily be unwrapped in the actual
> bytecode.)

I'm not entirely sure how you think those "special forms" would work.

Right now, say, if the compiler sees somewhere in your function
    z = 23
    print z
it thereby knows that z is a local name, so it adds a slot to the
function's locals-array, suppose it's the 11th slot, and generates
bytecode for "LOAD_FAST 11" and "STORE_FAST 11" to access and bind that
'z'.  (The string 'z' is stored in f.func_code.co_varnames but is not
used for the access or storing, just for debug/reporting purposes; the
access and storing are very fast because they need no lookup).

If instead it sees a "print z" with no assignment to name z anywhere in
the function's body, it generates instead bytecode "LOAD_GLOBAL `z`"
(where the string `z` is actually stored in f.func_code.co_names).  The
string (variable name) gets looked up in dict f.func_globals each and
every time that variable is accessed or bound/rebound.

If the compiler turns this key optimization off (because it sees an exec
statement anywhere in the function, currently), then the bytecode it
generates (for variables it can't be sure are local, but can't be sure
otherwise either as they MIGHT be assigned in that exec...) is different
again -- it's LOAD_NAME (which is like LOAD_GLOBAL in that it does need
to look up the variable name string, but often even slower because it
needs to look it up in the locals and then also in the globals if not
currently found among the locals -- so it may often have to pay for two
lookups, not just one).

So it would appear that to make __setlocal__ work, among other minor
revolutions to Python's code objects (many things that are currently
tuples, built once and for all by the compiler at def time, would have
to become lists so that __setlocal__ can change them on the fly), all
the LOAD_GLOBAL occurrences would have to become LOAD_NAME instead (so,
all references to globals would slow down, just as they're slowed down
today when the compiler sees an exec statement in the function body).
Incidentally, Python 3.0 is moving the OTHER way, giving up the chore of
dropping optimization to support 'exec' -- the latter will become a
function instead of a statement and the compiler will NOT get out of its
way to make it work "right" any more; if LOAD_NAME remains among Python
bytecodes (e.g. it may remain in use for class-statement bodies) it
won't be easy to ask the compiler to emit it instead of LOAD_GLOBAL (the
trick of just adding "exec 'pass'" will not work any more;-).

So, "rewriting" the bytecode on the fly (to use LOAD_NAME instead of
LOAD_GLOBAL, despite the performance hit) seems to be necessary; if
you're willing to take those two performance hits (at decoration time,
and again each time the function is called) I think you could develop
the necessary bytecode hacks even today.

> This wouldn't be that much slower than just assigning local variables
> to locals by hand, and it would allow assignments in the
> straightforward way as well.

The big performance hit comes from the compiler having no clue about
what you're doing (exactly the crucial hint that "assigning local
variables by hand" DOES give the compiler;-)

> There'd be some gotchas, so extra care is required, but it seems like
> for the OP's particular use case of a complex math calculation script,
> it would be a decent solution.

Making such complex calculations even slower doesn't look great to me.

> I understand where the OP is coming from.  I've done flight
> simulations in Java where there are lot of complex calculations using
> symbols.  This is a typical formula (drag force calculation) that I
> would NOT want to have to use for:
> FX_wind = -0.5 * rho * Vsq * Sref * (C_D_0 + C_D_alphasq*alpha*alpha +
> C_D_esq*e*e)

If ALL the names in every formula always refer to nothing but instance
variables (no references to globals or builtins such as sin, pi, len,
abs, and so on, by barenames) then there might be better tricks, ones
that rely on that knowledge to actually make things *faster*, not
slower.  But they'd admittedly require a lot more work (basically a
separate specialized compiler to generate bytecode for these cases).


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