Passing parameters at the command line (New Python User)

Ben Finney bignose+hates-spam at
Mon Sep 24 05:01:53 EDT 2007

cjt22 at writes:

> I have never used Python to pass in arguments at the command line so
> any help would be much appreciated.

Your 'main()' approach is good. I'd rather have the function require
an 'argv' parameter, and have the default set only in the 'if __name__
== "__main__":' block, since that fits my ideas better about the

    def main(argv):

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        from sys import argv

I also tend to catch SystemExit in the function, so the exit code can
be returned instead of raised; but that's outside the scope of this

For anything more advanced than unconditionally grabbing arguments in
sequence from the command line, you should investigate the 'optparse'
module <URL:> from the
standard library.

 \                         "Holy knit one purl two, Batman!"  -- Robin |
  `\                                                                   |
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Ben Finney

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