TypeError: 'module object is not callable'

christophertidy at hotmail.com christophertidy at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 3 04:48:19 EDT 2007


I am new to Python and have recieved this error message when trying to
instantiate an object from a class from another file within the same
directory and wondered what I have done wrong.

I have a Step.py class:
class Step(object)
        def __init__(self, sName):
        "Initialise a new Step instance"
        self.sName = sName
        self.depSteps = []
        self.remDepSteps = []
        self.isCompleted = 0

Then I have created a new file within the same directory called

import Step
a  = Step("magn")

The following however generates the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 3, in ?
    a  = Step("magn")
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable

If anyone could help point me in the right direction, how to fix this
problem it would be much appreciated.

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