Spaces from string specifier

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Fri Sep 14 02:59:31 EDT 2007

En Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:57:43 -0300, Gavin Tomlins <gavin at>  

> I'm trying to work out when using a format specifier I get spaces in the
> resulting string.  Eg. Looking at the outputted string you can see that
> there are spaces after T5LAT, F4LAT etc. as I result from trying to keep  
> the
> code aligned

- You should *not* build the SQL text yourself; use a parametrised query  
instead. It's not only easier to write; it's safer, less error prone, and  
maybe faster. See this previous post  

- Spaces are not significant in SQL, but you may have your own reasons to  
format the SQL text in a certain way. In addition to the ideas already  
menctioned on that thread (avoid \, use parenthesis, and auto-concatenate  
adjacent strings), you may use a triple-quoted string + function dedent  
 from textwrap module:

py> fmtSqlP300Amp = textwrap.dedent('''\
...           UPDATE Patient SET
...             O2AMP = "%s", O1AMP = "%s", OzAMP = "%s", PzAMP = "%s",
...             P4AMP = "%s", CP4AMP = "%s", T6AMP = "%s", C4AMP = "%s",
...             TP8AMP = "%s", T4AMP = "%s", T5AMP = "%s", P3AMP = "%s"
...           WHERE Pat_Id = "%s"''')
py> print fmtSqlP300Amp
   O2AMP = "%s", O1AMP = "%s", OzAMP = "%s", PzAMP = "%s",
   P4AMP = "%s", CP4AMP = "%s", T6AMP = "%s", C4AMP = "%s",
   TP8AMP = "%s", T4AMP = "%s", T5AMP = "%s", P3AMP = "%s"
WHERE Pat_Id = "%s"

I hope any of these ideas will fit your own needs.

Gabriel Genellina

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