Organizing Code - Packages

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at
Fri Sep 7 12:33:51 EDT 2007

xkenneth a écrit :
> On Sep 7, 2:04 pm, Wildemar Wildenburger
> <lasses_w... at> wrote:
>>Paul Rudin wrote:
>>>xkenneth <xkenn... at> writes:
>>>>>Ah, yes, a couple of things:
>>>>>- avoid the 'one-class-per-file' syndrom. It's perfectly ok to have tens
>>>>Yes but i find it hard to edit classes easily when I have more than
>>>>one class per file.
>>Scroll-Blindness would be a good reason.
>>It would however be completely rediculous to create a file for every
>>10-liner class you have (and I have found that Python classes tend to be
>>rather short).
> Yes I agree, "Scroll-Blindness" it just gets long and confusing.
> Navigating isn't so bad (emacs) here.

Don't you use ECB ? (Emacs Code Browser) ?

But even without it, it's a problem of file size, not a problem of 
number of classes.

(snip question about import, cf other answers)

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