How to display a videostream in the PyQt GUI by a efficient way

kivilaya kivilaya at
Fri Sep 28 23:12:25 EDT 2007

Hello, everyone, : )

  I'm a beginner of pyqt, and recently I'm having a problem with it. I
hope someone could help me.

  As required, I need to get a videostream from a camera, and process
every frame to add some information on it, and then display the frame
in a PyQt GUI.
  But I don't know how to display the videostream in the PyQt GUI by a
efficient way.

Currently, I do these like this:
1. Get the videostream by the videocapture module (a useful module
written by Markus Gritsch) in the format of  PIL images;
2. Process every PIL image and add the information;
3. Convert every PIL image to QPixmap and display it using

I think it is a very inefficient way, but I don't known how to display
the videostream in other ways, so I need your help,  Thanks!

PS:I do it with Windows XP, Python 2.5.1, PyQt4.3.0

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