Class for custom Tkinter widget--difficulty

Kevin Walzer kw at
Mon Sep 17 16:11:03 EDT 2007

I'm trying to create a custom Tkinter widget class, and I'm having some 
difficulty getting it set up properly.

The class is called MacToolbar, saved in its own module, 
and imported with this statement:

	import MacToolbar

Here is the relevant portion of the class:

###relevant class code

class MacToolbar:
     def __init__(self, master):"package", "require", "macsearchfield")'package', 'require', 'tile')

     def create(self):
         self.baseframe = Tile.Frame(self, master)
         self.baseframe.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='no')

     def toolbar(self):
         self.newframe = Tile.Frame(self.baseframe)
         self.newframe.pack(fill='both', expand='yes')

         self.buttonframe = Tile.Frame(self.newframe)
         self.buttonframe.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand = 'yes')

I'm a bit confused on how to call a class that is imported via a module. 
Both approaches I try produce errors:

The first approach:

	self.topframe = MacToolbar.toolbar(self.mainframe)

yields this error:

	AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'toolbar'

The second approach:

  	self.topframe = MacToolbar.MacToolbar.toolbar(self.mainframe)

yields this error:

	TypeError: unbound method toolbar() must be called with MacToolbar 
instance as first argument (got Frame instance instead)

I was expecting to be able to use the standard Class.Method notation in 
calling MacToolbar class methods, but it appears that this does not work 
at all: that's what I see in the first error above. Instead I have to 
use Module.Class.Method notation? I've never seen this before.

Can someone point out what I am doing wrong, either in the construction 
of the class, the way it's imported, or in how I'm calling methods?

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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