Stopping a fucntion from printing its output on screen

Paul Hankin paul.hankin at
Thu Oct 18 04:00:56 EDT 2007

On Oct 17, 3:57 pm, sophie_newbie <paulgeele... at> wrote:
> Hi, in my program i need to call a couple of functions that do some
> stuff but they always print their output on screen. But I don't want
> them to print anything on the screen. Is there any way I can disable
> it from doing this, like redirect the output to somewhere else? But
> later on in the program i then need to print other stuff so i'd need
> to re-enable printing too. Any ideas?

Yes, in your functions that you may or may not want to print stuff,
declare them with a stream parameter that defaults to stdout.

For example:

import sys

def f(i, out = sys.stdout)
   # Do something...
   print >>out, "i is %d" % i

Then usually, you call

But when you want to elide the output, use Jeremy's nullwriter:
class NullWriter(object):
    def write(self, arg):
nullwriter = NullWriter()

f(10, out = nullwriter)

Having the output stream explicit like this is much better style than
abusing sys.stdout, and it won't go wrong when errors occur. It's the
same idea as avoiding global variables.

Paul Hankin

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