ANN: Shed Skin 0.0.24, 0.0.25

Mark Dufour mark.dufour at
Tue Oct 16 05:32:44 EDT 2007

Hi all,

I've just released Shed Skin 0.0.25. Together with the (unannounced)
0.0.24 release, there have been some interesting changes. Most
importantly perhaps, Shed Skin now caches (most) 1-length strings,
which can improve performance dramatically for string-intensive
programs. I also performed a long-overdue rewrite of the virtual
function detection code, which should work much more reliably now, at
least for relatively simple cases :)

-1-length string caching

-improved detection of virtual functions
-further set optimizations
-fix for extension modules and certain default arguments
-exhaustive checking of C++ keywords
-fix for some combinations of arguments to min, max
-several minor bug fixes

As always, I could really use more help in pushing Shed Skin forward.
Let me know if you'd like to help out, but are not sure where to

"One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code"
- Ken Thompson

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