class vs type

Colin J. Williams cjw at
Fri Oct 19 19:14:03 EDT 2007

Terry Reedy wrote:
> "Colin J. Williams" <cjw at> wrote in message 
> news:ffali6$op5$1 at
> | Doesn't Python 3 provide an opportunity
> | to move away from discussions about
> | new_style vs old-style?  This an
> | opportunity to treat old-style as a
> | historical artefact, not requiring
> | current explanation.
> Yes, there will not be 'old-style' classes in Py3 and 3.0 doc will not 
> mention them..  But we are actually at 2.5 and there will be 2.6, 2.7, 2.8? 
> that still have them. 

Thanks for clarifying the intent.

The Python 3.0 doc, under Class, has:
Programmer’s note: Variables defined in 
the class definition are class 
variables; they are shared by all 
instances. To define instance variables, 
they must be given a value in the 
__init__() method or in another method. 
Both class and instance variables are 
accessible through the notation 
““, and an instance variable 
hides a class variable with the same 
name when accessed in this way. Class 
variables with immutable values can be 
used as defaults for instance variables. 
For new-style classes, descriptors can 
be used to create instance variables 
with different implementation details.

Presumably, it is intended that every 
class implicitly inherits from object?

Colin W.

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