Trying to Send Repeated Messages to a Server Using sockets

Bruno Desthuilliers bdesth.quelquechose at
Tue Oct 16 14:50:25 EDT 2007

danfolkes a écrit :
> Hey Everyone, I am trying to send repeated messages from a "Node" to a
> "Server".  It works the first time I send the from the Node to Server,
> but after that it either errors, or does not do anything.
> I would love some help,  here is the code:

Posting the trackbacks may have help too.

> import socket
> import thread
> import time
> def Node(nodeAddress):

- function names should be all_lower. MixedCase is for class names.
- variable names should be all_lower

>     '''connect to node and get its file load'''
>     sN = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>     # Echo client program
>     HOST = nodeAddress        # The remote host
>     PORT = 50007              # The same port as used by the server

These two last lines are useless here. The second would be meaningful 
outside the function's body. The first one looks like a constant, but is 
only an alias for the nodeAddress param.

>     sN = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

This discards the first socket instanciated above...

>     sN.connect((HOST, PORT))
>     sN.send('Hello, world')
>     data = sN.recv(1024)
>     sN.close()
>     print 'Received', repr(data)
> def Server(address):

pep08 again.

>     ''' starts a socket server and decides what to do with incomming
> stuff'''
>     message = "hello from server"
>     HOST = ''                 # Symbolic name meaning the local host
>     PORT = 50007              # Arbitrary non-privileged port

Idem. But this time, you just don't use the 'address' param...

>     sP = None
>     sL = None
>     sR = None
>     sS = None
>     sStor = 0
>     sTotalStorage = 0
>     sCT = (sP,)

None of those very badly named variables are used in the code.

>     '''look in server.conf for connect_to_server value'''
>     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>     s.bind((HOST, PORT))
>     s.listen(1)
>     conn, addr = s.accept()


>     print 'Connected by', addr
>     while 1:
>         print message
>         time.sleep(1)
>         data = conn.recv(1024)
>         #if not data: break
>         conn.send(data)

Your server loops forever on the first connection it got...

>     conn.close()
> thread.start_new(Server,('',))
> thread.start_new(Node,('',))
> while 1:
>     time.sleep(5)
>     thread.start_new(Node,('',))

Here's a somewhat corrected version. I'm not sure it's an example to 
follow wrt/ threaded server implementation (it's the first time I write 
one myself), but at least it works.

import socket
import thread
import time

HOST = ''
PORT = 50007

def node(host, num):
     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     s.connect((host, PORT))
     print "node %s: sending" % num
     s.send("node '%s' says : Hello, world" % num)
     time.sleep(10) # play with this to see how the server reacts...
     print "node %s: receiving" % num
     data = s.recv(1024)
     print "node %s: received '%s'" % (num, data)
     print "node %s: done" % num

def server(address):
     thread_ids = []

     def handle(conn, addr):
         tid = thread.get_ident()
         print "server (handle %s): handling connection for %s" % (tid, 

         print "server (handle %s): receiving" % tid
         data = conn.recv(1024)
         while data:
             print "server (handle %s): got '%s'" % (tid, data)
             print "server (handle %s): sending '%s'" % (tid, data)
             print "server (handle %s): receiving" % tid
             data = conn.recv(1024)

         print "server (handle %s): no more data for %s, closing" % 
(tid, str(addr))

     s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     s.bind((HOST, PORT))

     while 1:
         print "server: active handler threads : %s" % thread_ids
         nb_handlers = len(thread_ids)
         while nb_handlers > 10:
             print "server: too much connections, waiting for current 
handlers to terminate"
             nb_handlers = len(thread_ids)

         print "server: accepting connections - actually %s handlers" % 
         conn, addr = s.accept()
         print "server: connected by", addr
         print "server: starting a new handler thread for connection %s" 
% nb_handlers
         thread_ids.append(thread.start_new(handle, (conn, addr)))

def main():
     print "starting server..."

     num = 1
     while 1:
         print "new node %s..." % num
         num += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

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