M2Crypto possible intermittent bug

John Nagle nagle at animats.com
Tue Oct 9 23:59:33 EDT 2007

   I just "upgraded" from M2Crypto 0.17 to M2Crypto 0.18, and I'm
running my regression tests.  I'm seeing occasional cases where
M2Crypto raises the exception SSL.SSLError, and the associated
error is "(0, 'Error')", which is the bogus error you get if you feed 0 to
"perror".  It failed once on "verisign.com"'s cert, then worked
on the next try.

   This is on Windows, running Python 2.4 (which is what M2Crypto
supports on Windows.)

   I'm trying to make this reproduceable.  More later.

					John Nagle

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