sqlite to .el translator [2 of 2]

smitty1e smitty1e at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 00:25:08 EDT 2007

Since I haven't yet been shot for the earlier post of a .py to sqlite
rendering script, here is another script that takes the previous
output and does something useful.
Note that this is not the full integration with PyMacs--I rather hope
to spark some interest and save some time headbanging on a) getting
this right, and b) getting it integrated.
What sort of a poetic reference can we get here?  "Inflammation of the
source code reminds me of your script..."

smitty at localhost ~/proj/mddl4/test $ ./elisp_extractor.py -f output -o
sample.el -p sample

smitty at localhost ~/proj/mddl4/test $ cat sample.el
(sample-sample---init-- (self some-string))
(sample-sample-show (self))


from   optparse import OptionParser
import re
import sqlite3

ALL_CLASSES   = """SELECT     parse_tree_id
                            , parse_tree_value
                   FROM       tbl_parse_tree    A
                   INNER JOIN
                            ( SELECT    MAX(parse_tree_id) AS
                              FROM      tbl_parse_tree
                              UNION ALL
                              SELECT    parse_tree_id + %s         --
offset to get name
                              FROM      tbl_parse_tree
                              WHERE     parse_tree_symbol_id=328   --
                                    AND parse_tree_indent   =  0   --
but not nested
                              ORDER  BY 1 DESC) B
                          ON A.parse_tree_id = B.parse_tree_id_;""" %

CLASS_FUNCS   = """SELECT     parse_tree_id
                            , parse_tree_value
                              tbl_parse_tree A
                   INNER JOIN
                            ( SELECT    parse_tree_id + %s AS
                              FROM      tbl_parse_tree
                              WHERE     parse_tree_id   BETWEEN %s AND
                                    AND parse_tree_symbol_id = 261
                                    AND parse_tree_indent    =   1 ) B
                           ON A.parse_tree_id=B.parse_tree_id_;
--no nested funcs"""

FUNC_ARGS     = """SELECT parse_tree_value
                   FROM   tbl_parse_tree
                   WHERE  parse_tree_id BETWEEN %s AND
                          (SELECT MIN(parse_tree_id)
                           FROM   tbl_parse_tree
                           WHERE  parse_tree_id        > %s
                              AND parse_tree_symbol_id = 8)
                   AND parse_tree_symbol_id = 1;"""

def extract_emacs_representation_of_python_classes( module_name
                                                  , file_name
                                                  , target_name ):
    """module_name  prefixes all of the functions
       file_name    is an sqlite database file specification
       target_name  is an output .el file specification
    conn = sqlite3.connect( file_name  )
    conn.isolation_level  = None
    c    = conn.cursor()
    c.execute(              ALL_CLASSES )

    buf          = 0
    class_ranges = []
    targ_file    = open( target_name, 'w' )

    #build up a list of class data
    for row in c:
        if (buf != 0):
            class_ranges.append( (row[0],buf-1,row[1]) )
        buf = row[0]

    for cur_class in class_ranges:
        c.execute(  CLASS_FUNCS % ( FUNC_OFFSET,
cur_class[0],cur_class[1]) )
        func_args = []
        for row in c:
            func_args.append( (row[0]+1,row[1]) )

        #print report
        cur_prefix = "%s-%s" % (module_name,

        for row in func_args:
            c.execute( FUNC_ARGS % (row[0], row[0]) )
            args = []
            for arg in c:
                args.append( arg[0] )
            targ_file.write( "(%s-%s (%s))\n" \
                           % ( cur_prefix
                             , re.sub( "_", "-", row[1])
                             , re.sub( "_", "-", " ".join(args))))

def main():
    usage    = "usage: %prog [options] arg"
    parser   = OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("-f", "--file",  dest="filename"
                     , action="store", type="string"
                     , help  ="connect to sqlite file FILENAME")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--output",dest="output"
                     , action="store", type="string"
                     , help  ="name of .el output file")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--prefix",dest="prefix"
                     , action="store", type="string"
                     , help  ="prefix for use in elisp")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    extract_emacs_representation_of_python_classes( options.prefix
                                                  , options.filename
                                                  , options.output   )

if __name__ == "__main__":

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