Python - why don't this script work?

John McMonagle jmcmonagle at
Mon Oct 22 22:11:55 EDT 2007

Ohmster wrote:
> I am trying to use this cool script that some MIT guy wrote and it just 
> does not work, I get a stream of errors when I try to run it. It is 
> supposed to visit a URL and snag all of the pictures on the site. Here is 
> the script:
> Here is my output when I try to run it on my Fedora 6 machine:
> [ohmster at ohmster bench]$ 
> /home/ohmster/scripts/ line 59: from: command not found
> [ohmster at ohmster bench]$
> The script is to be folowed up with another one to weed out the small 
> thumbnails and banner images, here is the base URL:
> Line 59 in reads as follows:
> 59:	from sgmllib import SGMLParser
> 60:	import urllib
> 70:	from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin
> 71:	import re
> 72:	import os# Usage: python <url-to-harvest>
> Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this script and why it will not run? 
> It does not like the command "from", is there such a command in python? 
> Does this mean that python has the "import" command but not the "from" 
> command or do we not know this yet as it hangs right away when it hits the 
> very first word of the script, "from"? Maybe this is not a Linux script or 
> something? I wonder why it needs the x-server anyway, I tried running it 
> from an ssh term window and it had a fit about no x-server so now I am 
> doing this in a gnome term window. This looked so cool too. :(
> Please be patient with me, I do not know python at all, I just want for 
> this script to work and if I see enough working examples of python, I may 
> just take up study on it, but for right now, I do not know the language. 
> Total newbie.
> Thanks.

Your linux shell thinks it is running a shell script (from is not a
valid command in bash).

To execute this script with the python interpreter type (from a shell

python http://some.url.whatever/images_page

Read the comments at the beginning of the script and you will discover
all sorts of important usage information.



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