Iteration for Factorials

Anurag anuraguniyal at
Tue Oct 30 04:12:27 EDT 2007

What about this no map, reduce, mutiplication or even addition
Its truly interative and You will need to interate till infinity if
you want correct answer ;)

def factorial(N):
    Increase I ...and go on increasing...
    import random

    myNumer = range(N)
    count = 0
    I = 10000 #10**(N+1)
    for i in range(I):
        bucket = range(N)
        number = []
        for i in range(N):
            k = bucket[ random.randrange(0,len(bucket))]

        if number == myNumer:

    return int(I*1.0/count+.5)

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