Lamaizm... XML problem...

durumdara durumdara at
Tue Oct 9 08:56:17 EDT 2007


Something makes me crazy!!!
I wanna read some XML, but everytime I got "None" for the value of prop:

The code is:

from xml.dom import minidom
import sys

ResultList = []

def LoadProps(PropTag):
    print PropTag
    t_forms = PropTag.getElementsByTagName('form')
    for t_form in t_forms:
        t_comps = t_form.getElementsByTagName('component')
        for t_comp in t_comps:
            t_props = t_comp.getElementsByTagName('prop')
            for t_prop in t_props:
                attrs = t_prop.attributes.keys()
                print attrs
                print t_prop.nodeName
                print t_prop.nodeType
                print [t_prop.nodeValue]

doc = minidom.parse('c:\\teszt3.xml')
print doc
t_langfile = doc.documentElement
t_props = doc.getElementsByTagName('properties')[0]
t_constants = doc.getElementsByTagName('constants')[0]

The result is:

<xml.dom.minidom.Document instance at 0x0172A3C8>
<DOM Element: properties at 0x1739378>
[u'id', u'name']

The source file is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250"?>
<prop id="aaaa" name ="bbbb">cccc</prop>
I can get the attrs, but I can't get nodeValue (cccc)... I got None for it.


Please help me a little!!! I'm sure that I miss st, but I don't know 
what is that... :-(

Thanks for it:
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