LoopingCall vs internet.TimerService (Twisted)

sapsi saptarshi.guha at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 09:43:21 EDT 2007

I guess this is not the most appropriate forum but i tried the twisted
forum  to not avail so here goes.

I have written a server which accepts connections from clients, takes
requests and adds them to a Queue (a python object of Queue.Queue).
Now i have two approaches

a) At startup, my server(a subclass of pb.Root)  runs a "dispatcher"
function using task.LoopingCall(dispatcher).start(0.1)
b)Create a separate subclass of internet.TimerService whose function
is dispatcher

[INFO: dispatcher has methods like obj.callRemote, addCallback and

I checked the source and it seems Loopingcall is implemented through
callLaters//Callbacks and TimerService has LoopingCall in it.

So which is better, neater, safer? loopingcall of timerservice? also
is it safe to do the calls mentioned in INFO within dispatcher?

Thank you for your time

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