Convert on uppercase unaccentent unicode character

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Wed Oct 3 17:06:18 EDT 2007

Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:

>> No, that will uppercase the string, but it doesn't (and shouldn't)
>> strip the accents:
> I can agree that is doesn't (though I am taking your word for it), but
> a French person will definitely feel it's doing the wrong thing. Upper
> case letters aren't accented in written French.
I didn't know that, and I'm not sure I believe it: but then the French 
tend to have conventions honoured more in the breach than the observance. I 
just hit a few French websites, and the first one that I found which had 
any capital letters that might be accented had four accented capital 
letters on its front page (two capitalized words and two words in block 

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