using regular express to analyze lisp code

Kelie kf9150 at
Thu Oct 4 14:33:22 EDT 2007

On Oct 4, 7:50 am, Tim Chase <python.l... at> wrote:
> Use a parsing lib.  I've tinkered a bit with PyParsing[1] which
> is fairly easy to pick up, but powerful enough that you're not
> banging your head against limitations.  There are a number of
> other parsing libraries[2] with various domain-specific features
> and audiences, but I'd go browsing through them only if PyParsing
> doesn't fill the bill.
> As you don't detail what you want to do with the content or how
> pathological the input can be, but you might be able to get away
> with just skimming through the input and counting open-parens and
> close-parens, stopping when they've been balanced, skipping lines
> with comments.

thanks Tim. following you and Dan's advice i visited and i picked up pyparsing
after brief reading of descriptions for couple of packages. now that
you recommended it, seems that i made a good choice.

btw, the content found will be copied to a new text file.

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