Efficient (HUGE) prime modulus

Justin Kwok justingkwok at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 21:13:12 EST 2007

For the interested, the algorithm that is most likely being used is

If you scroll down, there is a ruby implementation. Combine this with
a little bit of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_arithmetic and I
wrote a small python function that does what the built-in is probably

G =
P =

import random
a = random.getrandbits(512)
#A = (G ** a) % P # G^a mod P
print pow(G, a, P)
def testpower(x, n, P):
    result = 1
    while n:
        if n % 2:
            result = (result * x) % P
            n = n - 1
        x = (x * x) % P
        n = n / 2
    return result
print testpower(G, a, P)


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