securing a python execution environment...

Chris Withers chris at
Mon Nov 19 08:43:07 EST 2007

Laszlo Nagy wrote:
> Once upon a time, there has been a module called "bastillon" (am I 
> right?) and "rexec" (restricted execution environment) but they were not 
> really secure. It was a long time ago. Python is very flexible, and 
> interpreted and it is hard to prevent the users from importing modules. 

Indeed. I think Zope's security proxies solve a lot of the problem as 
they are a C extension to python and so can't be circumvented ;-)

> They can do nasty things. For example, open a file and eval() it etc. 

Yes, there are plenty of builtins that need to be blocked out and plenty 
of things that need to be blocked from being imported, but I know it is 
possible ;-)

(see Zope's "Script (Python)" objects, I'm just hoping for a cleaner, 
simpler solution...)



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