Python web frameworks

Jeff jeffober at
Tue Nov 20 07:42:32 EST 2007

The only one that I have used extensively is Django, which is very
easy to use and quite powerful in the arena for which it was created.
It has a powerful admin interface that automatically generates data
entry forms for content producers and a decent template system.  It
has some definite drawbacks, though.  The admin interface is difficult
to customize because it was not meant to be customized too much
(Django was written in a newspaper environment, where data needs to go
online quickly and be easily customizable for the next story or next
year's use).  It also lacks ajax support.

I understand that Zope has a pretty high learning curve and is
currently in various stages of rewrite.

I don't know much about the others.  Turbo gears uses Mochikit, which
hasn't had a new stable release in some time.  I prefer jQuery myself.

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