Linking debug C++ DLL with python dlls

"Martin v. Lo"wis" martin at
Thu Nov 8 15:31:20 EST 2007

> So I decided to download and build the debug version of python2.5.1/
> As it seems I also need to compile all relevant extension modules
> (*.pyd) in debug as well - is this correct?

That's correct.

> I tried to change the code above (just for fun) so in both cases i'll
> use python25.lib and in debug compilation I got linker errors on
> unresolved externals. seems like the debug version exports more
> methods than the release version.


> Is there a way to have my C++ code compile in debug mode (with _DEBUG)
> but use the python25 release lib/dll? This way I don't need to have
> additional set of debug extension modules.

Try removing the definition of Py_DEBUG that is implied by _DEBUG.

Notice, however, that it is risky to mix different CRT versions
(debug and nodebug) in a single application; this could cause memory
leaks and crashes. In particular, it *will* cause crashes if you
pass FILE* opened by the debug CRT to PyRun_File and friends. That's
an inherent limitation of Windows DLLs, and the way Microsoft set
up global variables in the VC CRT.


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