Python too complex ?!?!?!

davisn90210 at davisn90210 at
Sat Nov 17 13:44:32 EST 2007

On Nov 17, 8:25 am, Donn Ingle < at> wrote:
> I dunno about your dog :) but Python libs are not too demanding. From a
> Gnu/Linux pov with package managers things are quite simple.
> My wish is to find a way to make that even easier because the packaged
> modules are not always up to date.
> If the Cheese Shop could supply downloads of modules and we could stick on a
> gui interface that wraps around import statements to guide the installation
> of any missing packages -- that would be progress.

Interesting idea, although it's not something I'd want included and
turned on by default.  Should certainly be possible, though, with a
little __import__ magic.

> If you are online and the app runs, it can check the "freshness" of your
> modules (those called from the app and recursively) and offer to fetch the
> latest stable versions.

Something similar to Java's webstart?  Implement an __import__ hook
that downloads and caches the latest (stable) versions of libraries as

> The gui is an issue. Does one TK or rely on some fall-back system of
> gnome/kde/x11/windows dialogue boxes (ending in abject failure by way of
> raw_input on the command line)? Or (perhaps) have it fetch a standard
> dialogue library which would fetch and install what is needed for future
> occasions.

You wouldn't really *need* a GUI, although it probably should be a
configurable option ... so the user can keep tabs on, and more control
over, what's going on.  No reason why it couldn't be totally
automated.  easy_install already provides for automated installation
of python apps/libraries, so you could build off that.

> Anyway, this is a bit of a hijack and I have not touched C# in any way, but
> I don't think Python has anything to be ashamed of.*
> /d
> * Okay, maybe decorators but that's just because I am far too thick to grok
> them :D

It seems there are a number of people who don't grok decorators.
While getting to know how they work underneath does require some
careful reading and out-of-the-box thinking, it's only really
necessary to understand them at this level if you want to actually
implement a decorator.  Merely using decorators is, IMHO, much easier
to understand (but still requires a slight brain-warp).  I think some
people try to understand decorators too completely too quickly, and
end up labeling them one of those complex/unintuitive/"way out"

--Nathan Davis

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