Need help writing coroutine

Matthew Wilson matt at
Wed Nov 7 11:53:04 EST 2007

I'm working on two coroutines -- one iterates through a huge stream, and
emits chunks in pieces.  The other routine takes each chunk, then scores
it as good or bad and passes that score back to the original routine, so
it can make a copy of the stream with the score appended on.

I have the code working, but it just looks really ugly.  Here's a vastly
simplified version.  One function yields some numbers, and the other
function tells me if they are even or odd.

def parser():
    "I just parse and wait for feedback."
    for i in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
        score = (yield i)
        if score: 
            print "%d passed!" % i

def is_odd(n):
    "I evaluate each number n, and return True if I like it."
    if n and n % 2: return True

def m():
        number_generator = parser()
        i = None
        while 1:
            i = number_generator.send(is_odd(i))
    except StopIteration: pass

and here's the results when I run this:
In [90]: m()
1 passed!
3 passed!
5 passed!

So, clearly, the code works.  But it is nonintuitive for the casual

I don't like the while 1 construct, I don't like manually
trapping the StopIteration exception, and this line is really ugly:

    i = number_generator.send(is_odd(i))

I really like the old for i in parser(): deal, but I can't figure out
how to use .send(...) with that.

Can anyone help me pretty this up?  I want to make this as intuitive as



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