__dict__ for instances?

Ivan Voras ivoras at __fer.hr__
Sat May 12 20:20:15 EDT 2007

While using PyGTK, I want to try and define signal handlers
automagically, without explicitly writing the long dictionary (i.e. I
want to use signal_autoconnect()).

To do this, I need something that will inspect the current "self" and
return a dictionary that looks like:

  "method_name" : self.method_name

Class.__dict__ does something very similar, but when I use it, either
I'm doing something wrong or it doesn't return methods bound to "self",
and python complains a wrong number of arguments is being passed to the
methods (one instead of two).

instance.__dict__ on the other hand returns an empty dictionary.

This looks like it should be easy, but I can't find the solution :(

(> < )

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