Closing socket file descriptors

Yang at
Sun May 20 00:26:12 EDT 2007

Hi, I'm experiencing a problem when trying to close the file descriptor 
for a socket, creating another socket, and then closing the file 
descriptor for that second socket. I can't tell if my issue is about 
Python or POSIX.

In the following, the first time through, everything works.  On the 
second connection, though, the same file descriptor as the first 
connection may be re-used, but for some reason, trying to do on that file descriptor will cause an error.

Thanks in advance for any help on why this problem is occurring and/or 
how to resolve it (preferrably, I can continue to use file descriptors 
instead of resorting to socket.recv/socket.close).

    def handle( s ):
        print id(s), s
        print s.fileno(), 4096 )  # s.recv(4096)
        os.close( s.fileno() )  # s.close()
    svr = socket.socket()
    svr.bind( ( 'localhost', 8003 ) )
    svr.listen( 1 )
    while True:
        print 'accepting'
        s,_ = svr.accept()
        handle( s )
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "./", line 25, in <module>
#     handle( s )
#   File "./", line 13, in handle
#     print s.fileno(), 4096 )  # s.recv(4096)
# OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor

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