ten small Python programs

Stef Mientki S.Mientki-nospam at mailbox.kun.nl
Mon May 28 17:22:53 EDT 2007

Steve Howell wrote:
> --- Stef Mientki <S.Mientki-nospam at mailbox.kun.nl>
> wrote:
>>>> It would even be nicer, if everybody could drop
>>>> her/his examples
>>>> in a standard way, so they would be automatically
>>>> incorporated in
>>>> something like the wxPython interactive demo.
>>> Can you elaborate?
>> Well if you see the above demo,
>> I've the following in mind:
>> - create a new-demo in a special directory
>> - add some special keywords in the new-demo, in
>> which treenodes it should popup
>> - on restart of the demo, the new-demo is added to
>> the tree
> To the extent that you just want a group of people to
> be able to organically organize a tree-like collection
> of Python examples, you could use a MoinMoin that has
> sensible page names and the Local Site Map featured
> turn on.  Are you also suggesting the need for
> something local, so that you can actually run the
> programs?

I don't know MoinMoin,
but the answer is Yes (although maybe not for your ten snippets).
First of all I think all programmers keep there own collection of code snippets,
which much more valuable then "all the code code snippets from everyone".
Secondly, Python is nowadays not only used by programmers,
but also by e.g. Scientific users (former MatLab users),
who are not interested in the code itself,
but just in the results of that particular code.
For these people a lot of example programs,
for which they can easily see the results,
make some small changes and see the result again,
would be a wonderful addition.

just my 2 cents,
Stef Mientki

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