using google search api for python

John Nagle nagle at
Thu May 24 00:46:01 EDT 2007

Vyacheslav Maslov wrote:
> Gerardo Herzig wrote:
>> Hi all. Im looking for the pyGoogle for making google searchs y a 
>> python script. The thing is, all im founding is an AJAX api, but the 
>> application ill use is NOT a web app. So, someone know if there is a 
>> pure python api that i can download and use?
>> Thanks!
>> Gerardo

    Can't use that any more.  Google dropped their SOAP API a few
months back.  All they offer now is their AJAX API, which
comes with restrictive contract terms.  You have to display their
data on screen in their format, although you can annotate it
with info of your own, as long as that info isn't an ad.

    However, Yahoo offers a true search API: put in a URL, get
XML back.  Yahoo limits you to 5000 calls per day unless you
talk to them about getting more requests.

    We use both of these, and our site is written in Python.
Javascript in the browser is handling the interaction with
the search engine, requesting ratings on the sites mentioned
in the search results from our server, and displaying those
ratings.	for Yahoo	for Google

    Ask (formerly Ask Jeeves) used to have the Teoma API, but
they dropped that a few months back, and "" is
now dead.  Microsoft has a search API which is SOAP-based,
but Microsoft wants you to access it via C# and .NET, and
it's documented accordingly.

    There are "meta-search" engines that just screen scrape
user-type results from other search engines, but for the
major search engines, this violates the terms of service.

				John Nagle

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