Good idea to use a class as function with __new__?

glomde tbrkic at
Mon May 28 08:17:30 EDT 2007


I am implementing som code generation and want to to use some variant
of the template method pattern.

What I came up with is to have a class with the common part
in a method and the subclasses can then override the Customize methods
to do their own special part.

Now to the question I use the __new__ to return the result instead
of the instance. So that the class is used as an function.

So insted of having.

a = Template()
result = a.__TemplateMethod(preifix="foo")

I can write:

result = Template(prefix="foo")

class Template(object):

   def __init__(cls, *args, **kwds):

   def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds):
      obj = super(Template, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwds)
      return obj.__TemplateMethod(*args, **kwds)

   def Customize1(self, prefix="hello", *args, **kwds):
      return prefix+"1\n"

   def Customize2(self, prefix="hello", *args, **kwds):
      return prefix+"2\n"

   def __TemplateMethod(self, *args, **kwds):
      result = ""
      result += self.Customize1(*args, **kwds)
      result += self.Customize1(*args, **kwds)
      return result

b = Template("foo")

print b

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