Simulating simple electric circuits

Bjoern Schliessmann usenet-mail-0306.20.chr0n0ss at
Mon May 14 16:19:43 EDT 2007

Arnaud Delobelle wrote:

> I'm interested! I was tempted to have a go at it after your
> initial post, it sounded like a nice little project :)

Here you go, see below (quite long). It works from Python 2.5
and above and should be straightly executable from command line.

(It'll work with lower Python versions if you backtranslate the
few "A if (condition) else B" parts.)

We have:
- class CurrentController which does the main work
- classes Source and Ground for convenience when creating circuits
- class Relay for the realisation of logic

Please have a look at the example at the end. It's taken from my
actual project. A relay "ZT" is brought up if an outside key is
pressed. This forces the normally-"up" latching relay "ZTS" down.
This in turn causes relay "FTS" to go "up" (which causes many
other complicated stuff).

I'm open for questions and/or suggestions. :) The names used and
docstrings may sound a bit strange since I hastily translated the
source from german (we have some very special terms regarding relay

I suspect that this is a dead end though, because in more complex 
designs the creation of circuits becomes cumbersome. Also, for the 
system I want to model, the circuits are OOH very complex and OTOH 
I don't have access to all circuit diagrams. :( So I think I'll try 
next to transfer my problem to digital two-level logic. 

I'll go with Dave Baum's suggestion with the event queue and post 
again here soon with report of my achievements ...



#!/usr/bin/env python

class CurrentController(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.currentSources = {} 
        # Contents: {ID1: source1, ID2: source2, ...}
        self.circuits = {} 
        # Contents: {ID1: [all circuits starting at source 1],
                     ID2: [...], ...}

    def newID(self):
        ID = 0
        while ID in self.currentSources:
            ID += 1
        return ID

    def newSource(self, func = None):
        id = self.newID()
        s = Source(id, func)
        self.currentSources[id] = s
        return s
    def newGround(self):
        e = Ground()
        return e

    def newRelay(self, name, **argv):
        r = Relay(name, **argv)
        return r

    def changed(self, relay):
        Relay relay changed. Re-try all circuits containing it.
        print "CurrentController: changed:",, "up" if relay.up else "down"
        for ID, circuits in self.circuits.items():
            for circuit in circuits:
                if circuit.contains(relay):
    def showCircuits(self, activeOnly = False):
        Show all circuits.

        If activeOnly is True, show only active ones.
        print "| Circuits: "
        for ID, circuits in self.circuits.items():
            print "| ID: %i" % ID
            for circuit in circuits:
                if (not activeOnly) or
                    print circuit

    def start(self):        
        All circuits are defined -- try them out and start
        monitoring changes.
        for ID, source in self.currentSources.items():

        for ID, circuits in self.circuits.items():
            for circuit in circuits:
    def toGround(self, telegram):
        Save telegram as valid circuit and monitor it.

        Called from the outside if a telegram reaches "ground"
        (i. e., circuit closed).
        except KeyError:
            self.circuits[telegram.ID] = [telegram]

class CurrentTelegram(object):
    Class for recording and managing a circuit.
    usedIDs = []
    def __init__(self, id):
        self.relays = [] 
        # Contents: [(group name, relay object, coil function), ...]
        self.switches = [] 
        # Format: [(group name, relay object, switch function), ...]

        self.ID = id   # ID of the source of this telegram
        self.circuitID = self.newID() # unique telegram ID
        # default priority is 1. Should always be > 0.
        # It's used for weighing of multiple currents, see Relay class.
        self.prio = 1 = False
    def newID(self):
        ID = 0
        while ID in self.usedIDs:
            ID += 1
        return ID

    def __str__(self):
        relays = [""]  # for an extra newline at the beginning of the string to return
        for group, r, f in self.relays:
            type = repr(f)
            temp = "||| Group %s, Relay %s %s" % (group,, type)
        relays = "\n".join(relays)

        switches = [""]
        for group, r, f in self.switches:
            type = repr(f)
            temp = "||| Group %s, Relay %s %s" % (group,, type)
        switches = "\n".join(switches)
        return """|| CurrentTelegram
|| Source %i
|| Relays: %s
|| Switches: %s
|| %sactive
||""" % (self.ID, relays, switches, "" if else "not ")

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()
    def copy(self):
        Generate and return a copy of this telegram
        (for current "forks")
        other = CurrentTelegram(self.ID)
        other.relays = self.relays[:]
        other.switches = self.switches[:]
        other.prio = self.prio = 
        # should at this point normally be always False
        # circuits aren't added after CurrentController.start is 
        # called
        return other

    def addSwitch(self, byWho, relay, f):
        Add a switch to the circuit. Parameters:
        - byWho:   Name of caller (for information only)
        - relay:   Relay object
        - f:       A callable. If it returns True or equivalent,
                   switch is "closed", else "open".
        self.switches.append((byWho, relay, f))
    def addRelay(self, byWho, relay, f):
        Add a relay to the circuit. Parameters:
        - byWho:   Name of caller (for information only)
        - relay:   Relay object
        - f:       A callable ("coil function"). It's called
                   as f(True) if the circuit gets active,
                   and f(False) if it becomes inactive.
        self.relays.append((byWho, relay, f))

    def contains(self, relay):
        return self.containsRelay(relay) or self.containsSwitch(relay)

    def containsRelay(self, r):
        for _, relay, __ in self.relays:
            if relay is r:
                return True
            return False
    def containsSwitch(self, r):
        for _, relay, __ in self.switches:
            if relay is r:
                return True
            return False

    def mayBecomeActive(self):
        Determine if circuit is "closed" (i. e. all switches
        are closed so current can flow).
        for name, relay, f in self.switches:
            if not f():
            return True
        return False

    def becomeActive(self):
        Make circuit active: Give "current" to all relays
        in this circuit.
        if return = True

        for name, relay, f in self.relays:
            # Also give circuitID for relay to know who activated it
            f(True, self.circuitID) 
    def stop(self):
        Make circuit inactive: Relay falls
        if not return = False
        for name, relay, f in self.relays:
            # Also give circuitID for relay to know who deactivated it
            f(False, self.circuitID) 

    def test(self):
        if self.mayBecomeActive():
# TODO: Eliminate circle currents

currentController = CurrentController()

class Source(object):
    def __init__(self, ID, neighbour = None):
        self.connections = []
        self.ID = ID
        if neighbour: self.verbindungen.append(neighbour)

    def start(self):
        Create CurrentTelegrams and send them to
        all connected.
        for c in self.connections:
            t = CurrentTelegram(self.ID)

class Ground(object):
    c = currentController
    def input(self, t):

class Relay(object):
    c = currentController
    Continuous current relay/latching relay

    TODO: Delay!
    def __init__(self, name, latching = False, initiallyUp = False, minStrength = 1):
        self.up = False if not initiallyUp else True = name
        self.latching = True if latching else False

        # In here, pairs "Circuit-ID: strength" of currents through
        # raising coil are saved
        self.currents = {}
        # This helps decide when Relay goes to "up":
        # If the sum of all "flowing" strengths in 
        # self.currents is >= minStrength.
        # Example: minStrength = 2.
        # => The relay will go to "up" if at least
        #    - one current of strength "2"
        #    - two currents of strength "1" each
        #    - ...
        # are active.

        self.minStrength = minStrength

    def strengthBigEnough(self):
        Test the magnitude of the sum of all currents through
        the "raise" coil. If it's big enough, return True,
        else False.
        total = 0
        for _,strength in self.currents.items():
            total += strength

        return True if total >= self.minStrength else False
    def normalSw(self):
        Normal switch -- is closed if relay is "up",
        else open.
        return True if self.up else False
    def reverseSw(self):
        Reverse switch -- opens if relay is "up",
        else it's closed.
        return True if not self.up else False

    def normalCoil(self, status, circuitID, strength = 1):
        Send a "current" through the normal coil.

        Relay goes "up" if status is True or equivalent.

        Else, if no currents remain and relay is no
        latching relay, it goes to "down".
        if status:
            assert circuitID not in self.currents
            self.currents[circuitID] = strength
            if self.strengthBigEnough():
            del self.currents[circuitID]

            if not self.strengthBigEnough():
                if not self.latching: 

    def forceDownCoil(self, status, circuitID):
        Relay goes down, no matter what.
        if status:
            # CurrentController will be notified of change here
            # and will retry all circuits through normal coil,
            # so it's okay to ignore self.currents here

    def goUp(self):
        if not self.up:
            self.up = True
    def goDown(self):
        if self.up:
            self.up = False

    def __str__(self):
        return "Relay %s: %s%s (Currents: %r)" % (,
                                                  "up" if self.up else "down",
                                                  " (latching relay)" if self.latching else "",
    def __repr__(self):
        return self.__str__()

# following not in main method for usability of "python -i"

# create some relays
ZT = currentController.newRelay("ZT")
FTS = currentController.newRelay("FTS", latching = True)
ZTS = currentController.newRelay("ZTS", latching = True, initiallyUp = True)

# create one source and one ground
s = currentController.newSource()
g = currentController.newGround()
name = "tester"

def circuit1(t):
    t.addSwitch(name, ZT, ZT.normalSw)

    u = t.copy() # fork!
    u.addRelay(name, ZTS, ZTS.forceDownCoil)
    t.addSwitch(name, ZTS, ZTS.reverseSw)
    t.addRelay(name, FTS, FTS.normalCoil)


# example circuit:
#  V (+)
#  |____________________________
#  |                            |
# _|_  ZT sw (closes when up)   |_ ZTS sw (opens when up)
#  |                            |
#  | ^                          |
#  O | ZTS ("force down" coil)  O FTS (normal coil)
#  |   ("up" at beginning)      |
#  |                            |
# --- GND                      --- GND
def main():
    print "Putting ZT up with my finger ..."


if __name__ == "__main__":

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