PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

René Fleschenberg rene at
Tue May 15 07:32:37 EDT 2007

Stefan Behnel schrieb:
> René Fleschenberg wrote:
>> you have failed to do that, in my opinion. All you have presented are
>> vague notions of rare and isolated use-cases.
> I don't think software development at one of the biggest banks in Germany can
> be considered a "rare and isolated use case".

And that software development at that bank is not done in Python because
Python does not support non-ASCII identifiers? Can you provide a source
for that?

> Admittedly, it's done in Java, but why should Python fail to support unicode
> identifiers in the way Java does?

Your example does not prove much. The fact that some people use
non-ASCII identifiers when they can does not at all prove that it would
be a serious problem for them if they could not.


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