name capitalization of built-in types, True, and False

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Sat May 12 02:00:48 EDT 2007

En Fri, 11 May 2007 17:37:48 -0300, <cbtube03 at> escribió:

> I see that naming conventions are such that classes usually get named
> CamelCase. So why are the built-in types named all lowercase (like
> list, dict, set, bool, etc.)?

Because most of them originally were types and factory functions, not  
classes - and a naming convention is not a strong reason to make backwards  
incompatible changes.
A different example: the new builtin type `set` is based on (altough not  
exactly equal to) the Set class from the sets module

Gabriel Genellina

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