Class name as argument

HMS Surprise john at
Mon May 14 18:34:52 EDT 2007

Snippet 1 below doesn't do much but works (more code is inserted by a
generator). In the next to last line the class name is also used as
argument. I have seen this construct before and have had error
messages tell me that the name is expected. Why is this so? In snippet
2 that I concocted is not required. Is it related to __init__ perhaps?



# Snippet 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

from PyHttpTestCase import PyHttpTestCase

# definition of test class
class MaxQTest(PyHttpTestCase):
    def runTest(self):
        self.msg('Test started')

    # ^^^ Insert new recordings here.  (Do not remove this line.)

# Code to load and run the test
if __name__ == 'main':
    test = MaxQTest("MaxQTest")

# Snippet 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

class topClass():
    str = 'abc'
    def tcMsg(self):
        print 'topClass tcMsg'

class one(topClass):
    strOne = 'class one'

    def classOneFun(self):
        print 'this is classOneFun'

if __name__ == 'main':
    test = one()

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