PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

Javier Bezos see_below_no_spam at
Fri May 18 13:47:00 EDT 2007

>> This question is more or less what a Korean who doesn't
>> speak English would ask if he had to debug a program
>> written in English.
> Perhaps, but the treatment by your mail/news software plus the
> delightful Google Groups of the original text (which seemed intact in
> the original, although I don't have the fonts for the content) would
> suggest that not just social or cultural issues would be involved.

The fact my Outlook changed the text is irrelevant
for something related to Python. And just remember
how Google mangled the intentation of Python code
some time ago. This was a technical issue which has
been solved, and no doubt my laziness (I didn't
switch to Unicode) won't prevent non-ASCII identifiers
be properly showed in general.


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