PEP 3131: Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers

Istvan Albert istvan.albert at
Fri May 18 11:52:05 EDT 2007

On May 17, 2:30 pm, Gregor Horvath <g... at> wrote:

> Is there any difference for you in debugging this code snippets?

> class Türstock(object):

Of course there is, how do I type the ü ? (I can copy/paste for
example, but that gets old quick).

But you're making a strawman argument by using extended ASCII
characters that would work anyhow. How about debugging this (I wonder
will it even make it through?) :

class 6자회담관련론조
   6자회 = 0
   6자회담관련 고귀 명=10

(I don't know what it means, just copied over some words from a
japanese news site, but the first thing it did it messed up my editor,
would not type the colon anymore)


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