hp 11.11 64 bit python 2.5 build gets error "import site failed"

bhochstetler at gmail.com bhochstetler at gmail.com
Wed May 2 14:40:03 EDT 2007

I am on a hp 11.11 machine doing a 64 bit python 2.5 build. When I get
my python executable created and run it, I get the error:

"import site failed"
OverflowError: signed integer is greater than the maximum.

This is happening in the convertsimple() routine when it tries to
return a signed int:

ival = PyInt_AsLong(arg)

the ival is larger than what is defined in INT_MAX.

Why is this happening in a standard HP 64 bit build?
Any help on fixing this problem is greatly appreciated.


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