using boost to extend python with c++

mr_gees100_peas mr_gees100_peas at
Sun May 6 16:12:14 EDT 2007


   I've been trying for days to make either boost.python or swig to
work for me. The one I have gotten the closest to is boost. Note that
this is for windows XP. I'm not much of an unix person besides doing
simple ls and copy paste.

What I have done is to download the boost library:  C:\boost_1_34_0
I downloaded the bjam library:  C:\boost-jam-3.1.14-1-ntx86

I then set up the path so that I could do bjam from anywhere suing the
coomand prompt. Did the same for python and g++. I'm using the g++
that came with bloodshed DevC++ compiler.

So, I navigated myself to the tutorial example in the boost library. 

In the command prompt I typed bjam and I got the following error message.

Jamroot:17: in modules.load
rule python-extension unknown in module
C:/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:312: in load-jamfile
C:/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:68: in load
C:/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build\project.jam:170: in project.find
C:/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2\build-system.jam:237: in load
in import
in boost-build
C:\boost_1_34_0\libs\python\example\boost-build.jam:7: in module scope

I've have been trying desperately for 3 days. I also tried swig with
similar results but I feel I'm closer to solving the issue with boost
than with swig. I'm at a total lost here. I have tried the tutorials
in the boost web page but I just don't get anywhere.

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