full screen graphics

myheartinamerica myheartinamerica at gmail.com
Mon May 21 09:39:00 EDT 2007


I need to run a particular graphics application over and over again
with a different command line to get benchmarks on the applications
performance (frame rates and similar data). I am running the following
within a while loop that parses out a different command line from a
configuration file.

def runCommand(command):

        command -- the full string of the command to execute

    print command
        childProcess = subprocess.Popen(command)

        done = False
        while not done:
            returnCode = childProcess.poll()
            if (returnCode != None):
                done = True
                # sleep for 10 seconds before checking again
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print 'KeyboardInterrupt received. Trying to kill Wolf2.exe'
        print '>TASKKILL /F /T /PID ', childProcess.pid
        killCommand = ''.join(('TASKKILL /F /T /PID ',
        killSubProcess = subprocess.Popen(killCommand)
    except OSError, (errno, strerror):
        print 'OS Error (%s):  %s' % (errno, strerror)
        print 'Above error occurred while executing the following:'
        print command
    except WindowsError, (errno, strerror):
        print 'MS Windows Error (%s):  %s' % (errno, strerror)
        print 'Above error occurred while executing the following:'
        print command

The problem lies in that the second time the application is run, it
doesn't grab focus and go full screen, but sits paused. It will not
continue running until I click on the minimized application in the
taskbar. Is there any way to force it to grab focus?

I am running on Win32 with Python 2.5.1.

Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated,
Mick Charles Beaver

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