Replacement for HTMLGen?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Fri May 4 00:54:54 EDT 2007

En Thu, 03 May 2007 21:23:42 -0300, Joshua J. Kugler  
<joshua at> escribió:

> I found, but it's not listed in
> Cheeseshop, and its latest release is over seven years ago.  Granted, I
> know HTML doesn't change (much) but it's at least nice to know something
> you're going to be using is maintained.

I use HyperText, and if it's not maintained so much, it's because it does  
not have to change.
BTW, it's amazing how much can you get from so many classes with just a  
"pass" statement.

Gabriel Genellina

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