0 == False but [] != False?

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Thu May 24 01:09:48 EDT 2007

> >>> [] == False
> False
> Could anybody point out why this is the case?

Writing, "if x" is short for writing "if bool(x)".
Evaluating bool(x) checks for a x.__nonzero__()
and if that method isn't defined, it checks for
x.__len__() to see if x is a non-empty container.

In your case, writing "if []" translates to
"if len([]) != 0", which evaluates to False.

True and False are of type bool which is a subclass
of int.  So, False really is equal to zero and
True really is equal to one.

In contrast, the empty list is not of type int.
So [] != False eventhough bool([]) == False.


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