cannot import name .....

HMS Surprise john at
Thu May 3 14:02:27 EDT 2007

Thanks for posting.

pythonpath = .;c:\maxq\bin\testScripts; c:\maxq\bin;c:\maxq\jython

Both files are in c:\maxq\bin\testScripts. Also I do not get the
message "no module named...:

File, the importer:

from PyHttpTestCase import PyHttpTestCase
from com.bitmechanic.maxq import Config
global validatorPkg
from nBaseTest import nBaseTest

# definition of test class
class nCreateIncident(nBaseTest):
    def runTest(self):
        self.msg('Test started')

# Code to load and run the test
if __name__ == 'main':
    test = nCreateIncident("nCreateIncident")

File nBaseTest

from PyHttpTestCase import PyHttpTestCase
from com.bitmechanic.maxq import Config
global validatorPkg
if __name__ == 'main':
    validatorPkg = Config.getValidatorPkgName()
# Determine the validator for this testcase.
exec 'from '+validatorPkg+' import Validator'

# definition of test class
class nBaseTest(PyHttpTestCase):
    def logon(self):
        self.msg('Test started')

if __name__ == 'main':
    t = nBaseTest('nBaseTest')


Best Regards,


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