ignorance and intolerance in computing communties

Frank Buss fb at frank-buss.de
Thu May 3 11:11:13 EDT 2007

Xah Lee wrote:

> I'm still interested, if someone would show the source code, of how
> Perl, Python, or Lisp or Java, implement the function that finds the
> angle of a complex number.

So you have forgotten to cross-post to comp.lang.java :-)

I think at least for strict floating-point Java uses the netlib: 


For normal floating-point calculations I assume Java uses something like
FPATAN on x86'er computers:


But you can download the source code of the JVM to verify it yourself:


Frank Buss, fb at frank-buss.de
http://www.frank-buss.de, http://www.it4-systems.de

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