How can an Exception pass over an "except" clause ?

Nebur nospam1.reifenberg at
Wed May 30 11:46:50 EDT 2007

I'm using the library, running Python 2.4.4.

Now I'm confronted with the following exception backtrace:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/", line 1265, in
    p = f.__assert_pre
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '__assert_pre'

For my surprise, I found that the code of around line 1265
looks like:

1264: try:
1265:     p = f.__assert_pre
1266: except AttributeError:
1267:     pass

I'd expect line 1267 to "swallow" the AttributeError siliently. But
the application stops with the above backtrace.
Someone familiar enough with the Python innards ? How can one manage
that an "except" seems to be ignored ?


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