python,win32com,scipy and vb 6 : no module named scipy

vml victor.lebrun at
Wed May 2 17:37:45 EDT 2007


I am really new in python scipy win32com and scipy I tried to setup a
COM server to interact with vb 6 the pythom COM server is :

from win32com.server import exception, register
import pythoncom, win32pdhutil, winerror
import math
import numpy
import sys


#from scipy import linalg

class Fop:
    _public_methods_ = [ 'SqVal' ]
    def SqVal(self,*val):
        import sys
        import scipy
        #print sys.path
        return sys.path

    _reg_verprogid_ = "Python.Fop.3"
    _reg_progid_ = "Python.Fop"
    _reg_desc_ = "Python Fop"
    _reg_clsid_ = "{30BD3490-2632-11cf-AD5B-524153480001}"

def Register():
    import win32com.server.register
    return win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(Fop)

if __name__=='__main__':
    print "Registering COM server..."

the vb 6 code is

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Set obj = CreateObject("Python.Fop")

    Dim ty(1, 1) As Variant

    ty(0, 0) = 1
    ty(1, 1) = 2
    ty(1, 0) = 3
    ty(0, 1) = 4

    toto = obj.SqVal(ty)

End Sub

I have a problem when I launch the vb 6 code : no module named
scipy .... it is quite strange and I do not understand that Do you
have any ideas ?

thank you very much !

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