Python Web Programming - looking for examples of solid high-traffic sites

Josiah Carlson josiah.carlson at
Fri May 18 20:48:42 EDT 2007

John Nagle wrote:
>    Many of the basic libraries for web related functions do have
> problems.  Even standard modules like "urllib" and "SSL" are buggy,
> and have been for years.  Outside the standard modules, it gets
> worse, especially for ones with C components.  Version incompatibility
> for extensions is a serious problem.  That's reality.
>    It's a good language, but the library situation is poor.  Python as
> a language is better than Perl, but CPAN is better run than Cheese Shop.

You know, submitting bug reports, patches, etc., can help make Python 
better.  And with setuptools' easy_setup, getting modules and packages 
installed from the Cheese Shop is pretty painless.

  - Josiah

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