ANN: CaltrainPy 0.1

Heikki Toivonen heikki at
Wed May 30 01:11:33 EDT 2007

CaltrainPy is a Caltrain ( schedule program written
in Python. It uses Tkinter for GUI.

Download link and screenshot here:

The reason I wrote CaltrainPy was because I recently switched from a
Palm OS device to a Windows Mobile device, and I could not find a good
Caltrain schedule program for Windows Mobile. I lucked out by noticing
that there is a Python port for Windows Mobile

There seem to be 3 GUI options for Windows Mobile, and I originally
chose Tkinter since it seemed the easiest to get started with on Windows

Since this was my first program using Tkinter there are some rough
edges. Most notably I was not able to figure out how to make a working
full screen application.

Any ideas on how to fix my app to make it a work full screen much
appreciated. And any other ideas and patches welcome as well.

  Heikki Toivonen

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